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Establishing the Hive

Saturday 25th March 2023

10.30am to 3.30pm

€ 120

This beginner Bee Keeping workshop will provide you with the knowledge, the confidence and the practical skills that are necessary to keep bees and have the joy of your own honey. You will discover all you need to know about safe and successful beekeeping. This one day  workshop is most suitable for beginners.


During the year of 2023 Anthony will take you from complete novice to someone who has the knowledge to start this rewarding hobby. It is important to note that if you are a complete beginner it is advised to complete this Beginner workshop as the content covered and practical experience gained will form an essential foundation for further workshops

The workshop will be delivered by Anthony Nea a highly experienced beekeeper. Anthony has been keeping bees for over 15 years and now has 46  colonies. He places great emphasis and is a strong believer of the value of doing and hands-on practical experience.  Everyone will be suited and kitted out. There will be plenty of opportunity to work with the bees. A bee suit will be provided if required but we do advise to bring your own suitable footwear.

An observation hive will be on display during this workshop so all participants can really benefit and see exactly the workings of the hive through the glass viewing pane.

The theoretical element of the course will be held in the newly renovated out buildings of Coolamber House. This characterful building with log burning stove will provide the perfect setting to build your knowledge, be inspired and meet people with a shared interest. Although the classroom based work will be limited, it is an important element

Everyone will be treated to Coolamber hospitality. Tea/Coffee and hot scones will be available on arrival,  elevenses and a tasty two course lunch will be served in the dining room of the House. All you need is your enthusiasm as everything will be provided.

There will also be an opportunity to see the many outbuildings and our walled garden. Ann Marie will also give a short walk and talk around the walled garden which currently is in the development phase . We hope to further develop the orchard, fruit  and veg garden, cut flower garden and wild flower areas.

A general guideline of what will be covered on the workshop is explained below. The workshop will be highly interactive and there will be lots of time to have all your questions answered. 


Once the workshop is complete you should be equipped  with a much better level of knowledge which will provide a great foundation to having you own hives. You will be another step closer to the dream of having an apiary and producing your own honey.  You will  have the opportunity to meet other participants who are also on the same Journey. 

Note: If desired a number of Participants on the course will have the option to purchase a nuc hive of native Irish black bees. This will be on a first come bases and can be discussed with tutor Anthony during the workshop as these nuc hives will be limited.


  • The Colony  ( Queen Worker,Drone)

  • The Colony through the year

  • Types of Hives and Parts

  • Pollination Nectar and Pollen

  • Protection Handling and Personal Safety


The observation hive will be on display all day and the workings of all the bees explained. This is an amazing opportunity to have time to see exactly the activity inside the hive including inspecting and identifying the queen, worker and drone. This knowledge will prove invaluable for the rest of the workshop.

A number of empty hives will also be on display and the merits of each explained. You will be able to see first hand that different structures, brands, materials and sizes of hives available.

Everyone will learn how to build a their own frame which is the timber structure that holds the honeycomb inside the hive. 

We believe it is important to also have the experience of a brief hive inspection on this beginners workshop, as it will bring such a sense of achievement and will also help alleviate any apprehension people may have . All bee suits will be provided.

Apart from the detailed content listed above this workshop will build great confidence. Like any hobby/business there will always be more to learn but after our series of workshops you will have the knowledge, confidence and support network to get started on your own first colony. 

Bee keeping is something that can be enjoyed by anyone, young or old. The benefits are so numerous having your own natural honey, now proven to help overcome seasonal allergies, your own wax, possibly candles , lip balms etc, the environmental benefits, bees are needed to pollenate your flowers and vegetables or simply helping increase the number of bees which unfortunately are in decline. So if you have contemplated raising bees, you wont be disappointed these amazing little creatures have a lot to offer!!!!

The course will be strictly limited to 12 participants. Booking in advance online  to secure your place. Places allocated on a first come basis.

Note: We will have two other bee keeping workshops on the :

  • 13th May 2023: Hive Maintenance and Inspection  

  • 10th Sept 2023:  Extracting Honey and Feed for Winter.  


©2024 by Coolamber Garden.

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